Dr. Gallo - Erfinder der “HIV verursacht AIDS” Hypothese
Dr. Gallo verkündete am 23. April 1984, dass er wahrscheinlich den Ereger von AIDS, den HI-Virus (HIV) entdeckt habe. Namhafte Wissenschaftler kritisieren die Methoden von Dr. Gallo
Robert C. Gallo, M.D.
Director, Institute of Human Virology and Division of Basic Science, University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute
The Institute of Human Virology (IHV) was founded and is directed by Robert C. Gallo, M.D., the eminent scientist who became world famous two decades ago when he co-discovered that the HIV virus was the cause of AIDS.
Little was known then of the mysterious disease that was fast becoming the deadliest in medical history. But Dr. Gallo has spent much of his career trying to put an end to this raging epidemic. source...